sábado, 6 de agosto de 2016

just trying...

Dangerous Love

So. who wouldn't want to fall in lov?
But wait, watch it...DID U consider:
-being made submissive and fragile, whenever u see her in tears
-have your heart beating in your stomach if u worry about her
-praying fervently to God asking to protect her, because u just love her so much.
-see every piece of you, every facet, every angle… live the passion and danger of being known by someone, truly and truthfully
this is dangerous business

Love is so epic,
that it may fool u for a golden cage,
but it is not,
the strings and limitations that comes attached to it are actually liberating,
they make the magic of making your wings stretch higher
and take u much further,
and the company will make a big deal of difference in that.
Wanna go fast? Go alone.
Wanna go far? Wanna cry and laugh? Go along…

Love doesn't take a chance
It does not wait, it full throttle’s you...it shows down who's the boss. Make no mistake.

So if you are way too sensitive, impatient, or too self centered, lov may just not be for you. It just might. Who knows right?

Lov is simply the excuse you need for being just the best version of youserlf, and SHARING that - being as close tight and lovely with your loved one